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  • Elijah Newren's avatar
    Avoid new windows being obscured by the focus window (and thus possibly · d31a0829
    Elijah Newren authored
    2005-02-11  Elijah Newren  <>
    	Avoid new windows being obscured by the focus window (and thus
    	possibly lost).  Fixes #166524.
    	* src/place.c: new MetaWindowDirection enum,
    	(find_most_freespace): new function to find where there is the
    	most space available around the focused window,
    	(meta_window_place): if a window is denied focus and the window
    	overlaps the focused window, retry the first-fit algorithm only
    	paying attention to the focus window position and if that fails
    	just find the location on the screen with the most space
    	* src/window.h: (struct MetaWindow): new
    	denied_focus_and_not_transient bitfield
    	* src/window.c: (meta_window_new_with_attrs): initialize
    	denied_focus_and_not_transient, (meta_window_show): set and unset
    	the denied_focus_and_not_transient field appropriately
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