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  • Elijah Newren's avatar
    Patch from Vytautas Liuolia to react to _NET_STARTUP_ID changes, as · adc46fc9
    Elijah Newren authored
    2006-08-07  Elijah Newren  <newren gmail com>
    	Patch from Vytautas Liuolia to react to _NET_STARTUP_ID changes,
    	as proposed for the new startup-notification/EWMH spec.  #347515
    	* src/window-props.c (reload_net_startup_id): be sure to act on
    	the new id instead of just recording it
    	* src/window.[ch] (window_activate, meta_window_activate,
    	  meta_window_activate_with_workspace, meta_window_client_message):
    	change window_activate() to take a workspace parameter instead of
    	hardcoding to the current workspace, add
    	meta_window_activate_with_workspace() function needed by
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