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  • Jasper St. Pierre's avatar
    window: Refactor all move/resize operations to be in frame rect space · 6e06648f
    Jasper St. Pierre authored
    For Wayland, we want to have everything possible in terms of the frame
    rect, or "window geometry" as the Wayland protocol calls it, in order
    to properly eliminate some flashing when changing states to fullscreen
    or similar.
    For this, we need to heavily refactor how the code is structured, and
    make it so that meta_window_move_resize_internal is specified in terms
    of the frame rect coordinate space, and transforming all entry points
    to meta_window_move_resize_internal.
    This is a big commit that's hard to tear apart. I tried to split it
    as best I can, but there's still just a large amount of changes that
    need to happen at once.
    Expect some regressions from this. Sorry for any temporary regression
    that this might cause.