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  • Dan Winship's avatar
    Fix initial setting of _NET_WM_STATE on new windows · 6c4a283b
    Dan Winship authored
    When reload_net_wm_state() is called at startup to read the initial
    value of _NET_WM_STATE, it was calling recalc_window_type(), but not
    recalc_features(), which meant that, eg, meta->skip_taskbar would
    never get initialized from meta->wm_state_skip_taskbar, which meant
    that next time mutter went to update the window's _NET_WM_STATE, it
    would overwrite the app-specified initial values. Fix that.
    (In metacity, this bug is masked by the fact that recalc_features()
    gets called when reading the intial value of WM_NORMAL_HINTS, which
    comes after _NET_WM_STATE in metacity's prop_hooks_table. In mutter,
    the table got reordered at some point, exposing the bug.)