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  • Havoc Pennington's avatar
    don't die on bad atom name · 31b21155
    Havoc Pennington authored
    2002-06-08  Havoc Pennington  <>
    	* src/xprops.c (meta_prop_get_utf8_string): don't die on bad atom
    	* src/display.c (meta_display_close): don't unmanage windows here,
    	do it in screen_free and then closing the display unmanages
    	windows as a side effect of unmanaging the screen
    	(meta_display_unmanage_screen): new function
    	(process_selection_clear, process_selection_request): handle
    	selection stuff
    	(meta_spew_event): don't crash on client message containing
    	invalid atom
    	(meta_spew_event): don't crash on property notify with invalid
    	* src/main.c (main): add --replace option to replace existing
    	window manager.
    	* src/screen.c: implement holding manager selection.
    	* src/display.c (meta_display_open): add new selection-related
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