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  • Havoc Pennington's avatar
    give priority to keeping NW corner onscreen rather than SE, if we need to · 19d2e8c7
    Havoc Pennington authored
    2002-01-18  Havoc Pennington  <>
    	* src/window.c (constrain_position): give priority to keeping NW
    	corner onscreen rather than SE, if we need to shift the window
    	to fit inside constraints
    	* src/frames.c (meta_frames_get_geometry): don't depend on the
    	current window size
    	* src/theme.c: move geometry stuff in here, to be calculated as
    	part of the theme
    	* src/core.c (meta_core_get_client_size): new function to replace
    	meta_core_get_frame_size() so we don't have weird cycles
    	in the geometry calculation