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  • Havoc Pennington's avatar
    update number of workspaces hint · 041b33c4
    Havoc Pennington authored
    2001-12-09  Havoc Pennington  <>
    	* src/workspace.c (meta_workspace_free): update number of
    	workspaces hint
    	* src/screen.c (update_num_workspaces): implement number of
    	workspaces setting
    	* src/window.c (meta_window_configure_request): honor configure
    	requests on windows of type NORMAL, but still be mean to those of
    	type DIALOG
    	* src/main.c (main): add more log domains to those we set a log
    	handler for, and only set warnings fatal in debug mode
    	* src/metacity.schemas: add number of workspaces setting
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