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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    Auditing the file handling stuff, increase general paranoia and code · f897e1e6
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Thu Sep 25 10:37:38 2003  George Lebl <>
    	* daemon/auth.c, daemon/filecheck.[ch], daemon/gdm.[ch],
    	  daemon/misc.c, daemon/slave.c:  Auditing the file handling
    	  stuff, increase general paranoia and code anality about
    	  these things plus check pretty much every return of the
    	  sete[ug]id even though they are pretty much guaranteed
    	  to exist.  Being paranoid here is good.  Allow the
    	  authentication cookie be given in upper case hex for
    	  the socket protocol.