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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    Apply and heavily massage a patch from Muktha to add font setting to the · 636909af
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Thu May 06 09:59:48 2004  George Lebl <>
    	* gui/misc.[ch], gui/gdmlogin.c, gui/gdmsetup.c,
    	  gui/gdmchooser.c, gui/greeter/greeter.c: Apply and heavily
    	  massage a patch from Muktha to add font setting to the theming
    	  and finally fix #125070 hopefully
    	* daemon/misc.c: our gethostent should strip the ::ffff: since it's
    	  confusing to rest of gdm and X in particular apparently, so whack
    	  it from the hostname so that it doesn't get into the display
    	  name.  Should fix #133246
    	* gui/gdmlogin.c, gui/greeter/greeter_item_pam.c: fix #123958
    	  by having an empty message clear the message string rather then
    	  append an empty string.  Evil, but it fixes the bug.  PAM is one
    	  large bug in fact, and would require a rather large flywatter to
    	  fix, based on a patch from Frederic Crozat
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