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  • This crashes for me with an error referecing X11:

    > python 
    request token: u1, path: /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop/request/1_185/u1
    X connection to :0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

    Any idea what might be wrong? I'm using sway, with xwayland enabled.

  • The example uses xvimagesink for displaying the camera stream, so perhaps something goes wrong with Xwayland or something. You can try changing it to some other sink to see if it helps.

  • @Geometry Dash World If you are currently running Sway with XWayland, you can try running the command in a pure X11 environment. You can do this by logging out of your Sway session and selecting an X11 session or using a different window manager that runs on X11.

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