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  • Can I also create a shortcut of my website Fast Labour Hire by using this code? Once, I watched a video on YouTube about creating a shortcut, but that was not working for me. If it is possible, please do let me know how can I do it.

  • Hello, It is helpful, but there is a problem if a stranger doesn't have any idea about coding. He/she can't access this code. There are simple tips that I want to share:

    1. Open the folder or directory containing the program or file you want as a shortcut.
    2. Right-click the program/file and select Create Shortcut.
    3. Once done, this creates a shortcut named "Shortcut to <your program/file>" or "<your program/file>-Shortcut" in the current directory.

    I followed these tips for my Eden derma project. If you follow these tips, you can easily create a Windows shortcut.

  • Thanks for sharing this code. I also created a shortcut for my website using this code. and it's working too well. I uploaded this shortcut video on my YouTube channel.

  • Hi Philipp, Recently, I was looking for a shortcut code for my website video. Because I need a shortcut video for the website. But I can't find any codes. Now I am really grateful to you because you shared the code.

  • This code is not working on my website, Commercial Painter. Is anyone there to help me out? Or may someone tell me there is an error with my website or a code ?

  • Seems GitLab doesn't allow to remove comments from the ghost user... :/

  • That's a pity, but thank you for looking into it 🙇

  • Can I use the code on my website? If you say yes, I will be thrilled and thank you. Because I did find it on Google, but I don't. I want to create some shortcuts for my website. And I will use this code to create my website shortcuts.

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