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  • Milan Crha's avatar
    [composer-autosave] Use-after-free during snapshot save to file ][ · 2179125d
    Milan Crha authored
    Extend the previous change to not do autosave when the composer is busy,
    to avoid calls interleave. When the message is building, the composer
    asks the HTML editor for the message content. This is done with a D-Bus
    call to the WebKitWebProcess, which cannot block the main loop, because
    the WebKit can do its own IPC calls there, thus the GUI would just block
    in that case. Having the GUI updated during the wait for the message
    content can also mean that the user will send the message in that time,
    or the autosave will be triggered, where both can mean a use-after-free
    of the variables being involved in the message building.
    This had been reported downstream at: