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  • Matthias Clasen's avatar
    file-info: Add a set of attributes for large thumbnails · f0606d54
    Matthias Clasen authored and Marco Trevisan's avatar Marco Trevisan committed
    Some applications (eg., gnome-photos) really want a large thumbnail,
    if one can be created. Simply falling back to a smaller one (probably
    created by an old nautilus), without giving the application a chance
    to create a bigger thumbnail, is undesirable because they will appear
    Therefore, at separate attribute sets for all the thumbnail sizes
    that are supported in the spec: normal/large/x-large/xx-large.
    The old attribute will now return by default the biggest available, as
    it used to be, but also including the x-large and xx-large cases.
    Co-Authored-by: Marco Trevisan's avatarMarco Trevisan <>
    Fixes: #621