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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    js: Schedule a compacting GC on gjs_gc_if_needed() · be0d5322
    Carlos Garnacho authored and Philip Chimento's avatar Philip Chimento committed
    JS_GC() during gjs regular operation will indeed end up scheduling objects
    for destruction in a timely manner. However on long lived applications
    object creation/destruction patterns may leave uneven gaps in JS heap
    arenas that get harder and harder to reuse. Side effects may include more
    expensive/infructuous GC-ing and increased memory usage.
    Introduce the compacting GC [1], a (slightly more expensive) GC mode that
    is able to transparently compact underused arenas. This mode does not
    happen by default, Firefox explicitly triggers it from DOM code on user
    inactivity and memory pressure situations.
    We can do similarly, one ideal place to call this is gjs_gc_if_needed(),
    since we are interested on the application giving up as many pages as it
    can. This keeps memory fragmentation on hold, helping gnome-shell memory
    usage stay within certain parameters on long running sessions.
    [skip cpplint] because of having to include jsapi-wrapper before
    SpiderMonkey headers.
    Closes: #151