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  • Jonathan Blandford's avatar
    Got rid of GtkTreeNode, and changed it to GtkTreeIter. Added iterators · ef7b510f
    Jonathan Blandford authored
    Wed Oct 25 20:40:25 2000  Jonathan Blandford  <>
    	* gtk/gtktreemodel.h: Got rid of GtkTreeNode, and changed it to
    	GtkTreeIter.  Added iterators everywhere.
    	* gtk/gtktreeviewcolumn.c: Changed to use the iterators.
    	* gtk/gtktreeviewselection.c: Changed to use the iterators.
    	* gtk/gtktreestore.c: Changed to use the iterators.
    	* gtk/gtkliststore.c: Commented out the code.  Will convert to
    	iterators tomorrow.
    	* gtk/gtkmodelsimple.c: Commented out the code.  Will convert to
    	iterators tomorrow.
    	* gtk/treestoretest.c: Changed to use iterators.
    	* demos/testgtk/main.c: Moved to use the new iterator system.
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