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  • Owen Taylor's avatar
    Merging release_1_0 changes into the main tree. · cb641297
    Owen Taylor authored
    Tue Mar 10 14:24:09 1998  Owen Taylor  <>
            * gtk/gtkselection.c (gtk_selection_clear): Make the return
              result reflect whether the clear event was out of data.
            * gtk/gtkeditable.c: Ignore out of date selection clear
            * gtk/gtkentry.c gtk/gtktext.c: Don't synthesize releases
              on [2/3]BUTTON presses, since we get the normal click as well.
              Claim the selection when selecting words/lines.
    Tue Mar 10 13:34:29 1998  Owen Taylor  <>
            * gtk/gtkrange.c (gtk_range_default_[vh]trough_click):
              Take forward/back step arrows into account when computing
              position for middle button clicks.
            * gtk/gtktext.c gtk/gtkentry.c:
              - Fixes for deleting characters (don't subtract guints and get
                negative numbers!)
              - Reset cursor_virtual_x when moving by words and lines
              - Extra sanity checks
              - Fix to gtk_text_get_chars
                     (from Tony Gale <>)