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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v10
    126ebfa9 · Other: Bump version to 10 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v10
    Top Bar Organizer v10 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    ## Support GNOME Shell Version 45
    The extension now supports GNOME Shell version 45. Note that this extension
    version doesn't support any other GNOME versions anymore.
    ## Other
    - The preferences are now keyboard accessible by the introduction of move up and
      move down buttons for the list entries.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (12):
          Docs: Mention community-maintained AUR package in README
          Docs: Add newer, cut down and commented panel.js from GNOME Shell 45.0
          Breaking: Migrate extension to the new ESM system of GNOME 45
          Feature: Add move up and down buttons to make the prefs keyboard access.
          Refactor: Install forget action using install_action as well
          Refactor: Move GObject.registerClass calls into static init. blocks
          Other: Upgrade ESLint to latest version and run `npm update`
          Other: Require trailing commas for multiline for most
          Other: Add new version 45 panel source code to .eslintignore
          Refactor: Clean up unused import
          Other: Make ESLint ignore unused import
          Other: Bump version to 10
  • v9
    ed10e7a1 · Other: Bump version to 9 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v9
    Top Bar Organizer v9 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    This release just fixes some problems introduced in the last version.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (2):
          Fix: Move provider add. to more correct place and remove prov. on dest.
          Other: Bump version to 9
  • v8
    bf598f2a · Other: Bump version to 8 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v8
    Top Bar Organizer v8 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    ## Support GNOME Shell Version 44
    The extension now supports GNOME Shell version 44 alongside versions 42 and 43.
    ## Other
    - Improve drag handle styling (in the extensions preferences).
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (3):
          Update: Improve drag handle styling by using GNOME Settings style
          Feature: Support GNOME version 44
          Other: Bump version to 8
  • v7
    fa379607 · Other: Bump version to 7 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v7
    Top Bar Organizer v7 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    ## Bug Fixes
    - In addition to interacting with the top bar when the session mode is "user", the extension now also interacts with the top bar when the parent session mode is "user".
      This means the extension now works on distributions like Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, which use a custom session mode (but still have a "user" parent session mode).
    - Keep hidden top bar items hidden.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (4):
          Docs: Add README with screenshot, extension desc. and installation notes
          Fix: Also interact with the panel, if the parent session mode is "user"
          Fix: Keep hidden items hidden
          Other: Bump version to 7
  • v6
    6bc40441 · Other: Bump version to 6 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v6
    Top Bar Organizer v6 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    ## Bug Fixes
    - Fixed bug, where this extension would cause the Activities button, app menu and date menu to show in the top bar of the lock screen.
    - Hopefully fixed "No signal connection XX found" errors.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (3):
          Fix: Don't affect (or interact with) panel of unlock screen
          Fix: Check, if signal handler is connected for handler id, before dc.
          Other: Bump version to 6
  • v5
    680c2a97 · Other: Bump version to 5 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v5
    Top Bar Organizer v5 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    ## Other
    - Made AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem addition work again.
    - Heavily simplified main extension code.
    - And more. See the `git shortlog`.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (18):
          Fix: Null out `this.settings` on extension disable
          Fix: Don't use `globalThis`, since it won't get g.c. on window close
          Other: Mark AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem addition as broken
          Refactor: Introduce `BoxOrderManager`
          Refactor: Simplify `#overwritePanelAddToPanelBox` heavily
          Refactor: Merge `AppIndi.KStat.ItemManager` code into `BoxOrderManager`
          Fix: Support AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem item addition again
          Update: Don't have the not ready app indicators at the far right
          Refactor: Don't add ScrollManag. inst. to `this`, since thats not needed
          Other: Add whitespace rules from GJS Style Guide and fix complaints
          Other: Disallow omitting curly braces and enforce one true brace style
          Refactor: Use private fields instead of pref. with `_`, where suitable
          Other: Remove unused typedef `BoxOrders`
          Refactor: Introduce `#handleNewItemsAndOrderTopBar` method
          Other: Remove unused typedef `PositionAndBoxOverwrite`
          Refactor: Reorder enable code and comment it, to make it more clear
          Refactor: Rename `this.settings` to `this._settings`
          Other: Bump version to 5
  • v4
    93ec247c · Other: Bump version to 4 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v4
    Top Bar Organizer v4 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    ## Support GNOME Shell Versions 42 and 43
    The extension now supports GNOME Shell versions 42 and 43.
    Note that this extension version doesn't support any other GNOME versions anymore.
    ## Other
    - Added a drag icon showing the element getting dragged in the preferences during a Drag-and-Drop operation.
    - Extended documentation including development tips and new annotated panel source code for new panel versions.
    - Heavily cleaned up and refactored the preferences source code.
    - And more. See the `git shortlog`.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (31):
          Rename `docs/panel.js` to include source branch and date
          Docs: Add doc. holding some setup instructions and tips for a GSE Dev VM
          Docs: Add newer, cut down and commented `panel.js` from Gnome Shell 42.5
          Other: Run `npm install` and `npm update`
          Breaking: Make preferences usable again and support Gnome Shell 42
          Update: Show drag icon when reordering `PrefsBoxOrderItemRow`s using DND
          Other: Remove license notice, since its unnecessary and annoying
          Build: Use `gnome-extensions pack` for creating extension zip/bundle
          Refactor: Move UI files and gschema file to more standard locations
          Refactor: Move PrefsPage class into own file (`PrefsPage.js`)
          Refactor: Use `constructor` instead of `_init`
          Refactor: Add settings to `globalThis`
          Refactor: Add `ScrollManager` instance to `globalThis`
          Refactor: Add `PrefsBoxOrderListBox`es via UI file a. let them self-init
          Refactor: Setup Drag Source and Drop Targets in UI files
          Refactor: Remove empty constructor
          Refactor: Use private instance methods instead of prefixing with `_`
          Refactor: Build Menu in UI file
          Refactor: Simplify `PrefsPage` UI file and get rid of `InternalChildren`
          Refactor: Simplify box order save code in `PrefsBOLEmptyPlaceholder`
          Refactor: Setup and handle all of DND scroll. in `#setupDNDScroll` func.
          Other: Run `npm update`
          Other: Upgrade ESLint to new major version and run `npm update`
          Other: Set `ecmaVersion` to `2022` for ESLint to sup. priv. class feat.
          Other: Move `"use strict";` before ESLint config comment everywhere
          Other: Allow underscore-prefixed unused arguments in ESLint config
          Other: Handle ESLint complaints
          Other: Add docs panel code files to `.eslintignore`
          Docs: Add newer, cut down and commented `panel.js` from Gnome Shell 43.2
          Feature: Support GNOME version 43
          Other: Bump version to 4
  • v3
    d4af6831 · Other: Bump version to 3 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v3
    Top Bar Organizer v3 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    This release includes a few bug fixes and improvements.
    ## Forget Action
    You can now forget items in the settings to clean up the list of items.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (9):
          Update: Make the preferences window content scrollable
          Update: Scroll preferences window content on Drag-and-Drop
          Refactor: Create custom class for prefs box order GtkListBoxes
          Refactor: Move logic for saving box order to `PrefsBoxOrderListBox`
          Refactor: Let `PrefsBoxOrderItemRow` handle item association
          Feature: Add forget action for top bar items
          Fix: Extension crashing, when no `associatedRole` can be found
          Update: Handle the Dropbox client better
          Other: Bump version to 3
  • v2
    8bda3ea0 · Other: Bump version to 2 ·
    Release: Top Bar Organizer v2
    Top Bar Organizer v2 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    This relase just includes a few bug fixes.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (7):
          Update: Don't create object as result of `init()` being called
          Other: Add template for message of annotated git tags
          Docs: Add documentation on how to create a new tag
          Fix: Use correct child count when ordering right box
          Other: Wrap comments longer than 80 characters at 80 characters
          Fix: Fix incorrect ordering
          Other: Bump version to 2
  • v1 Release: Top Bar Organizer v1
    Top Bar Organizer v1 includes the following changes:
    # Relevant and/or Breaking Changes
    The following relevant and/or breaking changes of this version:
    ## First Version
    This is the first version of the Top Bar Organizer Gnome Shell extension
    and therefore doesn't include any relevant or breaking changes.
    # `git shortlog`
    The git shortlog for this version:
    Julian Schacher (29):
          Other: Specify a textwidth of 80 for JavaScript
          Docs: Add annotated and cut down `panel.js`
          Docs: Add initial `About_the_Top_(Menu)`
          New: Add initial bare-bones extension source code
          Docs: Describe `Panel._addToPanelBox` logic
          New: Add new top bar items to box orders on enable
          New: Order top bar items on enable
          Refactor: Move valid box order creation into own method
          New: Overwrite `Panel._addToPanelBox`
          Other: Add `.editorconfig`s
          Refactor: Move individual top bar box ordering into own method
          Feature: Handle changes of configured box orders
          Refactor: Group "private" methods
          Breaking: Handle AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem items better
          Other: License this project
          Other: Introduce ESLint for code linting
          Feature: Make it possible to move items to other top bar boxes
          Refactor: Move creation of updated box order into own method
          Update: Handle permutations of outdated box orders getting saved better
          Fix: Consider all boxes, when adding items to box orders
          Feature: Add initial preferences dialog
          Refactor: Move some classes from `src/prefs.js` into own files
          Refactor: Move AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem logic into an own class
          Refactor: Move logic for creation of special box orders into own class
          Feature: Add repo url to `metadata.json`
          Docs: Describe what "New" in old commit messages means
          Other: Ignore `gschemas.compiled` files, since they're not source code
          Build: Add script for packaging this extension
          Update: Set `Panel._originalAddToPanelBox` to `undefined` on disable