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  • Jonathan Blandford's avatar
    s/IPuz/Ipuz/g · d5ba7c4c
    Jonathan Blandford authored
    Massive renaming. This fixes a mistake made right at the beginning of
    the library, and is something I've wanted to fix for the longest
    time. Basically, the fileformat is 'ipuz' and the capital 'P'
    shouldn't exist.
    find ./ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/IPuz/Ipuz/g' {} \;
    find ./ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/I_TYPE_PUZ/IPUZ_TYPE/g' {} \;
    This stops us fighting against glib tooling, too, as it really wants
    the function names to be i_puz (and I_TYPE_PUZ).