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  • Alex Crichton's avatar
    Refactor explicit production of errors · ee47726d
    Alex Crichton authored
    I was reading over the gnome-class macro crate recently and I was having
    a difficult time getting up to speed on the error handling of the crate
    as it was using a number of patterns I hadn't seen before. I was also
    wondering how only one `Span` was necessary to create an error when
    multi-token spans were needed sometimes, which led me in the end to
    start a refactor here.
    The first point of refactoring was to ensure that multi-token errors
    were handled. Although the `syn` crate has a `Spanned` trait it doesn't
    actually work on stable Rust, so the errors coming out of gnome-class
    today weren't compatible with being spanned over multiple tokens. I
    added a convenience API in and
    have started using that here to construct syn `Error` instances.
    Next I opted to lift similar error handling from the `failure` crate
    here as well. This was primarily the `bail!` macro as well as the
    `format_err!` macro, used to quickly return and create errors with
    formatted messages.
    Using this macro I was able to replace most of the support traits in
    `src/` with local error handling and/or various other idioms.
    Afterwards the crate (to me at least) feels much more idiomatic in terms
    of error handling where `?` is still maximally used, returning an error
    is easy to do, and there aren't too many traits/methods to discover when
    learning how to work with errors.
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