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  • Jonas Dreßler's avatar
    switcherPopup: Use roundtrip time when the popup is modifier-less · 998fe584
    Jonas Dreßler authored and Florian Müllner's avatar Florian Müllner committed
    The noModsTimeout obviously finishes inside a timeout callback, which
    means `global.get_current_time()` might return Clutter.CURRENT_TIME (ie.
    0) when called inside it, because it's not called while handling an
    event. This means when switching apps or activating a window, the
    timestamp passed to `activate_window` may be 0, which is the reason why
    the altTab switcher is currently broken when using modifier-less
    Fix that by using `meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip`, which
    always return a valid timestamp, instead of