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  • Adrián Pérez de Castro's avatar
    Simpler custom CSS theming for non-Adwaita themes · 6406d184
    Adrián Pérez de Castro authored and Michael Catanzaro's avatar Michael Catanzaro committed
    In particular, the theming for the incognito windows tends to look odd
    with themes other than Adwaita. It is possible to load different CSS
    resources depending on the selected theme by handling changes to the
    GtkSettings::gtk-theme-name property: this splits the CSS into a
    "shared.css" part which contains the rules which play well with most
    themes, and an "Adwaita.css" which builds upon the shared CSS rules
    and is loaded only for the Adwaita theme. The CSS code is still
    generated from SCSS, with definitions used by SCSS snippets moved
    into a new _definitions.scss file to avoid repeating them.
    Note that instead of manually handling theme changes, EphyEmbedShell
    is changed to inherit from DzlApplication (instead of GtkApplication),
    which already implements the desired CSS resource loading behaviour.
    This makes the existing CSS loading code unneeded, and therefore it
    is removed. Also, the resources are moved into the resource path
    /org/gnome/Epiphany/themes as expected by DzlApplication.