Fractal Releases and version numbers criteria
This issue is to discuss and to make a decision about Fractal Releases and version number.
The current stable version of Fractal is the 3.30.0 that's on flathub. We tried to follow the gnome release cycle as a new app but I think that it's not the way to go for a new app that can change a lot in a short period of time. We're using flathub and flatpak as the recommended way to install so we can control dependencies.
Release proposal, Rolling release:
- Release when we've some new features to release
- How should we release:
- Update version number and release the first beta (we need to find a way to publish that)
- Test the beta for a week and fix bugs there
- Ask for translations to update during this period
- Release the final version on flathub
Version number proposal, Secuential number:
- We're in the 3.30 so we should go to Fractal 4.0.0 for the next release
- Increase the second number for each release and use odd numbers for beta / pre-release. For example 4.1.0 will be the unstable version, 4.2.0 will be the stable version to go to flathub just after 4.0.0
- Third number is used to bug fixes and minor releases
This is my proposal, but it's not a final decision, please, comment and propose changes to this so we can improve.