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Fix icon position

Rastersoft requested to merge rastersoft/desktop-icons:fix_icon_position into master

By default, all files are painted sequentially, which means that a new file can be allocated in the place previously occupied by a file that will be painted later.

The fix paints first those files that have assigned coordinates in the 'nautilus-icon-position' metadata entry, and after that, paints those that still don't have it. It also writes the new coordinates in the metadata, to ensure that the next time they will be painted in the same position.

Also, if file1 has been removed, a new file2 is put in the place previously occupied by file1, and file1 is restored, one of them will be moved to a new place. In this case, the new coordinates are also stored, ensuring that there won't be jumps if the not-moved file is removed again.

This patch should fix #10 (closed)

Edited by Rastersoft

Merge request reports