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Draft: quick-settings-box: Allow closing status page by swiping sideways

Teemu Ikonen requested to merge tpikonen/phosh:swipe-to-hide-status-page into main

It would be nice to be able to close the quick-settings status pages by swiping them sideways.

Implementing this with a HdyCarousel is simple, but GtkListBox always emits the row-activated signal with a touch release, even if the gesture has already been recognized as a sideways swipe (i.e. the status page is sticking to the finger). For example, in the case of the wifi status page this causes unexpected connection attempts to random wifi hotspots when swiping.

There seems to be nothing in the API which could be used to prevent this behavior, so the fix probably involves some hacking of the gesture detection in GTK. I'm not going to do that now, so I'm leaving this here as draft to get some feedback on whether this feature is wanted.

/cc @arun-mani-j

Merge request reports
