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Add inhibtor when wifi hotspot is active

Guido Günther requested to merge guidog/phosh:hotspot-inhibit into main

Introduce a manager object that can track different systems and add/remove inhibitors as needed. As a first action add an inhibitor when we're acting as a wifi hotspot as both are common on mobile: quick suspend and use as hotspot:

$ systemd-inhibit 
WHO                          UID  USER PID    COMM            WHAT    WHY                                       
NetworkManager               0    root 917    NetworkManager  sleep   NetworkManager needs to turn off networks 
foo                          1000 foo  472926 phosh           sleep   WiFi hotspot active     

The new class is also a good seed for adding device dependent policy e.g.: when on device a that lacks feature b during suspend then add an inhibitor (see The feature list could live in gmobile.

Marked as draft as only mildly tested. It would be nice to only inhibit if there's also devices connected to the hotspot.

@Jarrah this could be a base for !1173 (comment 1630959)

Edited by Guido Günther

Merge request reports