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  • Georges Basile Stavracas Neto's avatar
    todoist: Reimplement provider · 1158f5d0
    Georges Basile Stavracas Neto authored
    This is a more robust implementation, where tasks are properly
    stored (hey, I came up with a super cool stacking algorithm to
    get that right!) and properly escapes the strings before sending
    them through POST requests.
    This also reorganizes the code, adds a much valued debugging and
    tracing spews, and takes error management to a new level with
    proper error reporting, GQuarks and stuff.
    And to put the cherry at the top of this reimplementation cake,
    this make the code a little bit less redundant in many places.
    A few things to do still:
     * Figure out how to implement comments and attachments to tasks.
       This is a premium feature of Todoist.
     * Stop using Online Accounts. It is already condemneded to doom.
     * Properly report errors to users. This is coming up later.