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  • Tim Janik's avatar
    always display the correct active state. · c2906f2b
    Tim Janik authored
    Thu Mar 26 21:37:57 1998  Tim Janik  <>
            * gtk/gtkradiobutton.c (gtk_radio_button_draw_indicator): always
                    display the correct active state.
                            * gtk/gtkcheckbutton.c (gtk_real_check_button_draw_indicator): always
                                    display the correct active state.
                                            * gtk/gtkwidget.c (gtk_widget_set_arg): CAN_FOCUS and CAN_DEFAULT flag
                                                    changes need to queue a resize.
                                                            * gtk/gtkbutton.c (gtk_button_paint): take border_width into
                                                                    consideration for restrict area.
                                                                            * gtk/gtktogglebutton.c (gtk_toggle_button_class_init): enable the
                                                                                    draw_default member of GtkButton, otherwise the diplay is messed up
                                                                                            for CAN_DEFAULT toggles.
                                                                                                    (gtk_toggle_button_draw_focus): always display whether the toggle button
                                                                                                            is active or not.
                                                                                                                    * gtk/gtkwidget.c (gtk_widget_set_state):
                                                                                                                                            (gtk_widget_propagate_state): take into consideration, whether we really
                                                                                                                                                    want to change childrens states, or just restauration of old states.