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  • Niklas Mattisson's avatar
    Modified ChangeLog. Add that the tutorials are done. Fixed a few missing · 9b9399e9
    Niklas Mattisson authored
    Modified ChangeLog.
    Add that the tutorials are done.
    Fixed a few missing tags. Fixed a few missing links. Fixed a few typos.
    Removed a few <br /> that was breaking the look of the <pre>.
    Changed the code a bit. Fixed a few small problems with the look of the code examples.
    Fixed a link to gimp-savvy.
    Updated a filter path. Add the perlotine link.
    A lot of bug fixes. Add more tags to make it look more like the original tutorial. Fixed a few missing links. Fixed position of paragraphs and add some more paragraphs.
    Center the text in the "How Do You Make a New Brush?" step.
    Fixed a few missing tags.
    Add a few files to the repository that was missing in tutorials.