The source project of this merge request has been removed.
books: Add some books and fix a few papercuts
- The GIMP Workbook: A Step-by-Step New Users Manuel
- The Warrior-Poet's Guide to Writing Plug-ins for GIMP 2.10
- GIMP Book of Layers: Everything You Need to Know About Important Layer Concepts & Features
- Pro Photo Colorizing with GIMP
- Learn GIMP: introduction to photo editing
- GIMP Bible
- Levels and Curves with GIMP, 2nd Edition
- GIMP 2.8 for Photographers
- GIMP 2.6 for Photographers
- The GIMP for Linux & Unix
- The Ultimate GIMP 2.8 Guide: Learn Professional photo editing
- The GIMP Bible: Great for beginners
- Sams Teach Yourself GIMP in 24 Hours
- GIMP for Linux Bible
- Enjoy Dijital Painting with GIMP
- GIMP for Absolute Beginners
- Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional
- Beginning Photo Retouching
- The Book of GIMP
- How to GIMP
- The Artist's Guide to GIMP, 2nd Edition
- GIMP 2.6 Cookbook
- GIMP Textile Design
- The Artist's Guide to GIMP Effects
- GIMP 2 for Photographers
- Essential GIMP for Web Professionals
- GIMP Pocket Reference
- Grokking the GIMP
- Guerilla Guide to Great Graphics with The GIMP
- GIMP Essential reference
- GIMP: The Offical Handbook
- The Artists' Guide To the GIMP
- Digitální fotografie v programu GIMP, 2. aktualizované
- GIMP - praktická uživatelská příručka, 2. aktualizované
- GIMP – grafický editor pro Linux a Windows
- GIMP - Ilustrovaný průvodce
- 333 tipu a triu pro GIMP
- Digitalni fotografie v programu GIMP
- GIMP 2.8 - Uživatelská příručka pro začínající grafiky
- GIMP: uzivatelska prirucka
- Niveles y Curvas con GIMP (2 ed.)
- Blanco y Negro con GIMP (2 ed.)
- Domine GIMP. Manual práctico
- Niveles y Curvas con GIMP
- Aprende GIMP
- Blanco y Negro con The GIMP
- GIMP 2.10. Das umfassende Handbuch
- Bildbearbeitung mit GIMP 2.10 leicht gemacht. Der praktische Einstieg
- GIMP 2.8
- Das GIMP 2.8-Buch
- GIMP Manuel de référence pour l'édition d'images en logiciel libre
- The GIMP 2.2 pour PC, Mac et Linux
- (A la) SOS GIMP
- GIMP. Niesamowite efekty
- GIMP. Poznaj świat grafiki komputerowej
- Fotografia cyfrowa, Obsługa programu GIMP
Brazilian Portuguese
- GIMP - Guia do Usuário, 2ª Edição
- GIMP - Guia do Usuário
Edited by Ghost User