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Draft: Issue 299: split the books page into current (GIMP 2.10) and archive lists.

Jehan requested to merge wip/Jehan/split-books-issue-299 into testing

@sabriunal What do you think of this? I split into the main (GIMP 2.10) and archive list.

I hesitated to split into languages instead, but it does feel like a main + archive list is nicer. Now there are 2 small issues, though I'm not sure if it's a big deal:

  1. Some languages don't seem to have any 2.10 books, so people won't find books, unless they check the archive. I wonder if exceptionally for such case, it's not better to leave the 2.8 books at least in the main page (better than nothing?). The languages which are now only in archive are: Czech, French, Hungarian, Nederlands, Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional.
  2. Also books are not always clearly labelled 2.8 (or older) or 2.10. When it's not the case, I went with the assumption that any book written from 2018 are 2.10 books.

Should I merge this as-is? Is it how you'd envision this page in #299 (closed)?

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