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  • Guillaume Poirier-Morency's avatar
    Completes bindings for libmemcached.vapi. · e4377e43
    Guillaume Poirier-Morency authored
    Fixes fetch that return NULL if an error occured.
    Posix is required as the 'memcached_stat_st' struct has a 'pid_t'
    Finishes the bindings for 'result.h' and cleans the wrapper code.
    Defines ulonglong IntegerType to produce 'unsigned long long' for the
    stats struct.
    dump, fetch_execute, mget_execute and mget_execute_by_key take a
    sequence of callback and expect a void* context to be passed. As this is
    not supported by Vala (multiple delegates sharing the same context), it
    is bound by:
     - using a ref on a single function (generates a pointer on a function)
     - use a wrapper with a owned function that set the number of callbacks
       to '1'