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meson: Add option to define whether to install and where test utils

Since commit 8ae99192 we provide tracker test utils python modules. These are installed by default in tracker internal libdir, and as per meson default this is an arch-dependent path, while the test utils aren't.

So in some distributions, not to provide such files in multiple packages for each architecture, we'd need to install those files somewhere else that is not arch-dependent.

Unfortunately meson doesn't provide such path by default (which ideally would be /usr/lib/tracker-${abi-version}), and I think isn't correct either to install such files into the datadir, so in order to make this path customizable and at the same time to make it possible to locate, provide a meson option and build a pkg config file for it, providing the python path variable that should be used.

Let me know if you guys have other options on this, but in debian we don't want to provide a binary for each arch for such files and at the same time add ability to override this by build options.

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