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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    docs: Rework ontology docs generation entirely · 60354f20
    Carlos Garnacho authored
    Ontology docs weren't in a much good shape, besides many ontologies
    being seriously underdocumented (something which should improve
    separately), the generated docs were little more than a data dump,
    and the diagrams shown were broken, confusing, or both. This all
    amounts to quite counter-productive developer docs.
    So the ontology docs have been refurbished, the per-ontology
    descriptions are still useful, but have been stripped of all images,
    and the docs overall are now completely class-centric, per
    rdfs:Resource subclass we now get:
    - Ascii diagram of its local hierarchy, up to all its ancestors and
      down to all its direct children.
    - All properties that affect the specific class. This is notably
      more intuitive now as there's properties defined on one ontology
      that are in the domain of classes in another ontology, something
      which you couldn't get at a glance in the previous docs
    - It clearly states which properties supersede which superproperties,
      which again makes it easier if those apply for the class at hand.
    The result feels quite neater, and will indeed be more resembling
    to other gtk-doc generated API docs.