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Add BlockMimeTypes= key to extract .rule files, and Blocklist .dds files in 90-gstreamer-image-generic.rule

Sam Thursfield requested to merge sam/blocklist-dds into master

Fixes tracker#158 (closed).

I tested this against the data supplied by @Eonfge in tracker#158 (closed) that can reliably hang Tracker 2.3.1.

With the patch, scanning the full data set was successful after 10 seconds:

$ time env TRACKER_VERBOSITY=2 ./run-uninstalled --wait-for-miner=Files --wait-for-miner=Extract -- tracker index --file ~/TrackerLoadTest/
0.77user 0.16system 0:10.41elapsed 8%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 24332maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+9680minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Without the patch, scanning the full data set went very slow at some of the .dds files, and eventually tracker-extract hung for some reason (seemed to be trying to send a query to a tracker-store instance that had stopped) so it actually never finished scanning.

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