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  • Sam Thursfield's avatar
    Ignore some more files that can appear in the applications directory · 3e172ed2
    Sam Thursfield authored
    Since commit d13fd8b2 we have been mining .desktop files
    from the XDG application directories such as /usr/share/applications. In
    order for this to work as expected, we need the FS miner to ignore other
    files that it finds there. This commit adds 2 files that appear on my
    Fedora system to the ignored-files list.
    If there are files in these directores that aren't expected to be there,
    it breaks the functional-tests. The 300-miner-basic-ops test creates 3
    text files and asserts that these and only these were found by the
    miner-fs. If extra stuff from XDG applications dirs turns up in the list
    of text files, the test fails.