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  • Mart Raudsepp's avatar
    list-model: Fix get_path vfunc implementation · b6be9579
    Mart Raudsepp authored
    The GtkTreeModelIface::get_path() implementation was always returning
    NULL, due to comparing the wrong pointer while trying to find the match.
    This didn't appear to cause big problems in GTK 2, as the vfunc just
    wasn't called in usual situations. However in GTK 3, at least since
    upstream commit e53dc3479f8 ("Added GtkCellAreaClass->apply_attributes()")
    it is called in the main code paths, and failure to return the correct
    path results in editable cell renderers not knowing what they are editing,
    throwing critical warnings on loading and crashing when something gets
    This fixes Task Properties edit dialog "Resources" and "Predecessors" tabs
    tree views, and probably more.