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  • Maurice van der Pot's avatar
    Fixed typo. · e217b32c
    Maurice van der Pot authored
    2009-04-07  Maurice van der Pot  <>
    	* README: Fixed typo.
    	* libplanner/mrp-old-xml.c (old_xml_read_project):
    	Fixed possible NULL pointer dereference (bug #334116).
    	* src/planner-project-properties.c (mpp_property_value_data_func),
    	* src/planner-resource-view.c (resource_view_property_data_func):
    	* src/planner-task-tree.c (task_tree_property_data_func):
    	Fixed use of uninitialized variables (bug #334113).
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=955
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