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  • Maurice van der Pot's avatar
    Fix a bug in copying default day types when copying a calendar on 64-bit · 3be8c467
    Maurice van der Pot authored
    2008-07-22  Maurice van der Pot  <>
    	* libplanner/mrp-calendar.c (mrp_calendar_copy):
    	Fix a bug in copying default day types when copying a calendar on 64-bit
    	* tests/calendar-test.c (main):
    	Fixed a bug in the tests that only showed up on 64-bit platforms.
    	* libplanner/
    	* libplanner/mrp-paths-gnome.c (mrp_paths_get_glade_dir),
    	(mrp_paths_get_image_dir), (mrp_paths_get_plugin_dir),
    	(mrp_paths_get_dtd_dir), (mrp_paths_get_stylesheet_dir),
    	(mrp_paths_get_file_modules_dir), (mrp_paths_get_ui_dir),
    	* tests/
    	* tests/files/
    	Allow various paths to be overridden through environment variables, so the
    	tests can be run before planner (and its plugins) have been installed.
    	Now tests are run successfully in make check and make distcheck.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=923
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