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Draft: Tweak nautilus-search-popover design a bit

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):polish-search-popover-labels into master

Currently, some labels from nautilus-search-popover aren't very clear:

  • "What": doesn't explain what it does
  • "Search": doesn't fully explain what it does
  • "When": looks a bit vague

This commit makes the following changes to these labels:

  • What -> Period
  • Search -> Search options
  • When -> Period

Also, I changed the "Select Dates" dropdown menu label, since it doesn't offer exact dates, but periods of time.

Before After
Screenshot_from_2022-12-28_21-33-33 Screenshot_from_2022-12-28_21-37-19

I split these changes out of !1077 (closed) because this MR will likely need a design review.

@aday @snwh @bertob

Edited by Ghost User

Merge request reports