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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    reviewed by: John Sullivan <> · ce4e7c67
    Darin Adler authored
    	Fix bug 6147 (selected icons flash unselected/selected rapidly):
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.c: (change_selection): Don't
    	send out selection change notices to the view that reported the
    	selection change.
    	(change_selection_callback): Pass in view that requested the
    	change so we can know not to send a selection change to that view.
    	* src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:
    	(fm_directory_view_send_selection_change): Clear flag that says we
    	have a selection change for the shell.
    	(selection_changed_callback): Add code to indicate this selection
    	change is due to the shell, so we don't tell the shell about
    	something it just told us.
    	(done_loading): Set flag so we don't tell the shell about selection
    	changes that are part of the first load of the directory.
    	(display_selection_info_idle_callback): Only send a selection change
    	to the shell if the change was initiated here. Also remove the code
    	that ref's the NautilusView object -- wasn't helping.
    	(update_menus_timeout_callback), (display_pending_idle_callback),
    	(display_pending_timeout_callback): Remove the code that ref's the
    	NautilusView object -- wasn't helping.
    	(fm_directory_view_notify_selection_changed): Propagate flag that
    	tells the idle code we have made the change to the selection and
    	the shell should be notified.
    	Fix bug 6158 (nautilus --quit shouldn't check for
    	* src/nautilus-main.c: (main): Don't do the first-time druid check
    	when the --quit or --restart option is used.
    	Fix bug 803 (All metafile tags should be lower case).
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-metadata.h: Use lower-case for
    	metadata tags.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-directory-metafile.c:
    	(create_metafile_root), (get_file_node),
    	(nautilus_directory_set_metafile_contents): Change metadata tags
    	to be lower-case.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-directory.c:
    	(nautilus_self_check_directory): Use lower-case in metadata
    	self-test for clarity.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-file.c:
    	(nautilus_file_get_keywords), (nautilus_file_set_keywords): Change
    	metadata tags to be lower-case.
    	* data/top/.nautilus-metafile.xml
    	* icons/ardmore/ardmore.xml:
    	* icons/arlo/arlo.xml:
    	* icons/arlo/i-directory.xml:
    	* icons/arlo/i-regular.xml:
    	* icons/crux_eggplant/crux_eggplant.xml:
    	* icons/crux_eggplant/i-directory.xml:
    	* icons/crux_eggplant/i-regular.xml:
    	* icons/default.xml:
    	* icons/gnome/gnome.xml:
    	* icons/i-directory-accept.xml:
    	* icons/i-directory.xml:
    	* icons/i-regular.xml:
    	* icons/villanova/villanova.xml:
    	Change XML to use lower-case.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-link-set.c: (create_new_link):
    	Use lower-case for link XML tags.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-link.c:
    	(nautilus_link_local_create), (nautilus_link_local_set_link_uri),
    	(nautilus_link_get_link_uri_given_file_contents): Use lower-case
    	for link XML tags.
    	* src/nautilus-sidebar-title.c:
    	(nautilus_sidebar_title_theme_changed): Use lower-case for theme
    	XML tags.
    	* components/throbber/nautilus-throbber.c:
    	(get_bonobo_properties), (nautilus_throbber_initialize),
    	(nautilus_throbber_button_press_event): Change theme XML tags to be
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-container.c:
    	(start_rubberbanding): Use lower-case for theme XML tags.
    	(nautilus_icon_container_initialize): Fix comment.
    	(update_label_color), (nautilus_icon_container_theme_changed): Use
    	lower-case for theme XML tags.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-factory.c: (set_theme): Use
    	lower-case for theme XML tags.
    	(get_themed_icon_file_path): Use lower-case for icon XML file
    	(icon_theme_changed_callback): Use lower-case for theme XML tags.
    	* src/nautilus-sidebar-tabs.c:
    	(nautilus_sidebar_tabs_load_theme_data), (get_text_offset): Use
    	lowe-case for theme XML tags.
    	* src/nautilus-sidebar.c: (nautilus_sidebar_update_appearance):
    	Use lower-case for theme XML tags.
    	* src/nautilus-window-toolbars.c: (get_file_name_from_icon_name):
    	Use lower-case for theme XML tags.
    	* src/nautilus-zoom-control.c: (draw_number): Use lower-case for
    	theme XML tags.
    	Change code that used GSList when it should use GList. We use
    	GList so that we can share utility functions. It's arbitrary. We
    	could have decided to use all GSList instead, but we chose GList
    	(because of its name, initially).
    	* components/tree/nautilus-tree-expansion-state.c:
    	(hash_table_get_keys_callback), (hash_table_get_keys),
    	(nautilus_tree_expansion_state_save_table_to_gconf): Update to use
    	GList instead of GSList.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gconf-extensions.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gconf-extensions.c:
    	(nautilus_gconf_handle_error), (nautilus_gconf_set_string_list),
    	(nautilus_gconf_get_string_list): Change to work with GList
    	instead of GSList to match the rest of Nautilus, so that the lists
    	can be manipulated with all the GList utility functions.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-glib-extensions.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-glib-extensions.c:
    	(nautilus_round): Changed name from nautilus_g_round -- "g" for
    	(nautilus_g_list_from_g_slist), (nautilus_g_slist_from_g_list):
    	Added utility functions to help make GSLists from GLists and vice
    	versa. Useful when dealing with functions that yield/expect
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-text-item.c: (iti_destroy),
    	(iti_update), (iti_paint_text), (iti_draw), (iti_render),
    	(iti_event): Use nautilus_round by its new name.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-preferences.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-preferences.c:
    	(nautilus_preferences_default_get_string_list): Change to use
    	GList instead of GSList.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-search-uri.c:
    	(free_tokenized_uri), (tokenize_uri), (get_translated_criterion),
    	(get_nth_criterion_prefix), (parse_uri): Change to use GList
    	instead of GSList.
    	* src/nautilus-application.h:
    	* src/nautilus-application.c:
    	(nautilus_application_get_window_list): Renamed from
    	nautilus_application_windows and changed to use GList instead of
    	(nautilus_application_create_window), (volume_unmounted_callback):
    	Change to use GList instead of GSList.
    	* src/nautilus-shell.c: (save_window_states),
    	(restore_window_states): Use GList instead of GSList.
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.c: (just_one_window): Use GList
    	instead of GSList.
    	(open_location_prefer_existing_window_callback): Use GList instead
    	of GSList.
    	* src/nautilus-window.c: (nautilus_forget_history): Use GList
    	instead of GSList and the new name for
    	Other changes.
    	* src/nautilus-shell.c: (display_caveat_first_time): Turn off the
    	caveat -- we're close enough to 1.0.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-view-identifier.c:
    	(nautilus_view_identifier_new_from_oaf_server_info): Use free_deep
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view-standard-main.h: Use
    	* src/file-manager/fm-desktop-icon-view.c: Remove unneeded
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