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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    More work on whittling the state machine down to size. · 99785dd7
    Darin Adler authored
    	* README: libunicode, libglade, and eog are no longer required.
    	* components/history/nautilus-history-view.c:
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view-component.idl:
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view.c: (impl_Nautilus_View_title_changed),
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view.h:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.c: (nautilus_view_frame_title_changed):
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.h:
    	Added title parameter for the title_changed function.
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.c:
    	(nautilus_view_frame_report_load_complete): Got rid of extra
    	emission of report_load_complete, which is handled by
    	view_frame_loaded now.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-background.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-entry.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-text-item.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-list.c:
    	* src/nautilus-bookmark-list.c:
    	* src/nautilus-navigation-bar.c:
    	* src/nautilus-search-bar-criterion.c:
    	* src/nautilus-sidebar.c: (nautilus_sidebar_initialize_class):
    	* src/nautilus-switchable-navigation-bar.c:
    	Use GTK_RUN_LAST instead of GTK_RUN_FIRST.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-directory-background.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-link-set.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-link.c:
    	* src/file-manager/fm-icon-text-window.c:
    	* src/file-manager/fm-icon-view.c:
    	* src/file-manager/fm-properties-window.c:
    	* src/nautilus-complex-search-bar.c:
    	* src/nautilus-link-set-window.c:
    	* src/nautilus-simple-search-bar.c:
    	* src/nautilus-switchable-search-bar.c:
    	Add includes needed now that the #include <gnome.h> was removed
    	from nautilus-global-preferences.h.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-string.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-string.c:
    	(nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties): Added function, like
    	g_strcasecmp, but falls back on strcmp for strings that match
    	(nautilus_istr_compare): Use nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties
    	instead of nautilus_strcasecmp.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-file.c:
    	(nautilus_file_compare_by_name): Use
    	nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties instead of g_strcasecmp.
    	(nautilus_file_compare_by_directory_name): Use
    	nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties instead of g_strcasecmp.
    	(get_automatic_emblems_as_integer): Convert automatic emblems to
    	integer form for simple sorting.
    	(prepend_automatic_emblem_names): Separate out the code that puts
    	on automatic emblem names, and make it put them first, before any
    	keyword-based emblems.
    	(nautilus_file_compare_by_emblems): Compare the automatic emblems
    	first, using the integer form.
    	(nautilus_file_compare_by_type): Use
    	nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties instead of nautilus_strcmp.
    	(nautilus_file_compare_for_sort): Use
    	nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties instead of g_strcasecmp.
    	(nautilus_file_compare_name): Use nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties
    	instead of g_strcasecmp.
    	(nautilus_file_is_mime_type): Use nautilus_strcasecmp instead of
    	(nautilus_file_get_emblem_names): Use
    	(sort_keyword_list_and_remove_duplicates): Sort with
    	nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties instead of
    	compare_emblem_names. Automatic emblem names are now dealt with
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-container.c:
    	(compare_icons_by_name): Use nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties
    	instead of nautilus_strcasecmp.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-glib-extensions.c:
    	(nautilus_g_str_list_sort): Use nautilus_str_compare.
    	(nautilus_g_str_list_sort_case_insensitive): Use
    	* components/services/vault/command-line/main.c: (main):
    	* test/test-nautilus-mime-actions-set.c: (str_to_action_type):
    	Use g_strcasecmp, not strcasecmp, for portability.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-global-preferences.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-global-preferences.c:
    	Removed _get_disabled_sidebar_panel_view_identifiers since the
    	logic now removes any not in the enabled list instead.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-view-identifier.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-view-identifier.c:
    	(nautilus_view_identifier_list_copy): New function.
    	(nautilus_view_identifier_compare): Now sorts properly instead of
    	returning 1 for any two identifiers that are !=.
    	* Removed unadorned gconfd now that it's
    	ancient history and because it makes the script seem to fail all
    	the time.
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.h:
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.c:
    	(compute_title): Renamed to a shorter name since it's a local function.
    	(update_title): Renamed to a shorter name since it's a local
    	function and made it do nothing if the title is already correct.
    	(nautilus_window_update_internals): Simplified code by using the
    	new cached title.
    	(nautilus_window_has_really_changed): Removed sidebar panel logic
    	that is no longer needed.
    	(nautilus_window_free_load_info): Remove some unused fields.
    	(nautilus_window_open_location): Removed unused parameter.
    	(nautilus_window_open_location_in_new_window): Removed unused
    	(load_content_view): Renamed to shorter name since it's a local
    	(handle_view_failure), (cancel_location_change),
    	(load_view_for_new_location), (set_view_location_and_selection):
    	Broke out big pieces of code used by the state machine. Soon we
    	won't have a state machine at all, but we'll still need functions
    	like these.
    	(nautilus_window_update_state): Removed a lot of the code and
    	broke the remaining bits into the above functions.
    	(nautilus_window_set_state_info): Removed sidebar management code
    	and some now-unused state variables.
    	(nautilus_window_stop_loading): Moved this function in here and
    	renamed it so the whole state machine is in one place.
    	(nautilus_window_set_content_view): Moved this function in here
    	and renamed it so the whole state machine is in one place.
    	(nautilus_window_set_sidebar_panels): Wrote new code to set up the
    	sidebar panels based on a list of view identifiers, based on the
    	code that was used before when preferences change. Moved here so
    	the whole state machine is in one place.
    	* src/nautilus-window-toolbars.c: (toolbar_stop_callback): Call
    	the new function nautilus_window_stop_loading.
    	* src/nautilus-window-private.h:
    	* src/nautilus-window.h:
    	* src/nautilus-window.c: (nautilus_window_initialize_class):
    	Removed the "content_view" argument.
    	(nautilus_window_goto_uri): Removed the view frame parameter from
    	the open_location call.
    	(nautilus_window_constructed): Set up sidebars based on
    	preferences when the window is created.
    	(nautilus_window_set_arg): Removed the "content_view" argument.
    	(nautilus_window_get_arg): Removed the "content_view" argument.
    	(view_menu_switch_views_callback): Call the new function
    	(chose_component_callback), Call the new function
    	(nautilus_window_open_location_callback): Removed the view frame
    	parameter from the open_location call.
    	(nautilus_window_open_location_in_new_window_callback): Removed
    	the view frame parameter from the open_location_in_new_window
    	(nautilus_window_connect_view): Don't connect to
    	report_load_progress any more. The view frame now handles this for
    	(nautilus_window_set_content_view_widget): Renamed this to avoid
    	confusion with the new nautilus_window_set_content_view which is
    	used to change content views, given a new view identifier.
    	(update_sidebar_panels_from_preferences): Renamed and changed to
    	use the new nautilus_window_set_sidebar_panels call.