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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    Changed the icon factory interface in a few ways: 1) There's no longer a · 39b26449
    Darin Adler authored
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-icon-factory.h:
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-icon-factory.c:
    	Changed the icon factory interface in a few ways: 1) There's no
    	longer a NautilusIconFactory object. There's just a single global
    	icon factory. If we find that we need multiple factories, we can
    	implement that later. 2) Instead of going straight from a file to
    	a pixbuf, you get a scalable icon, and then get a pixbuf from
    	that. This allows you to choose the icon and then get
    	different-sized versions of it without going through the icon
    	selection process over and over again. There's also a name for
    	each icon which can be stored in the metafile so you can get the
    	same icon again before you have full information on a file.
    	* src/nautilus-bookmark.c:
    	* src/file-manager/fm-directory-view-list.c:
    	* src/file-manager/fm-icons-controller.c:
    	Changed icon factory clients to use the new interface. Maybe
    	after a while I'll add a convenience function that's as simple as
    	the old interface was for the common case where you want to go
    	straight to the pixbuf, but lets try it this way for a while.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-string.h:
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-string.c:
    	Added nautilus_has_prefix. This checks to see if a string has a
    	particular prefix. It's both clearer to read and more efficient
    	than Andy's typical trick of calling strstr.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-lib-self-check-functions.h:
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-string.c:
    	Added self-checks for nautilus-string.c. The tests uncovered a
    	bug in nautilus_string_to_int that I fixed.
    	* nautilus-glib-extensions.c:
    	Just a stray new-line.