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  • Jonas Ådahl's avatar
    tests/wayland: Test subsurface commits after parent was reset · 3e90070b
    Jonas Ådahl authored and Georges Basile Stavracas Neto's avatar Georges Basile Stavracas Neto committed
    Without 'wayland/surface-actor: Reset and sync subsurface state when
    resetting' this test would fail.
    This also adds a simple framework for testing lower level Wayland
    In contrast to the test-client and test-driver framework, which uses
    gtk and tests mostly window management related things, this framework is
    aimed to run Wayland clients made to test a particular protocol flow,
    thus will likely consist of manual lower level Wayland mechanics.
    A private protocol is added in order to help out clients do things they
    cannot do by themself. The protocol currently only consists of a request
    meant to be used for getting a callback when the actor of a given
    surface is eventually destroyed. This is different from the wl_surface
    being destroyed due to window destroy animations taking an arbitrary
    amount of time. It'll be used by the first test added in the next