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ci: *Really* fix using image in toolbox

Florian Müllner requested to merge fmuellner/mutter:test-ci into main

It turns out that gnome-shell's toolbox image is still broken after commit 86b77f65.

Toolbox' entry point ensures that the calling user exists inside the container, and makes their home available inside the container.

There are two ways the useradd command in our image may interfere with that:

  • by default, useradd uses the smallest available UID in the normal user range (usually 1000); this is highly likely to clash with the host user UID

  • if the host's /home is a symlink (for instance to /var/home on Silverblue), then toolbox recreates that layout inside the container; it cannot do that if /home is already a non-empty directory

Luckily we can address both issues without affecting the ability to build and run tests as user: We can simply create the meta-user with a UID and home directory that are unlikely to clash.

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