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gpu/kms: Report that we can have outputs if we have connectors (& tests)

Jonas Ådahl requested to merge jadahl/mutter:wip/start-without-monitors into main

As part of !525 (merged) (introduction of transactional KMS API), the logic determining whether a GPU can have outputs was changed from whether any connectors existed to whether any connected connectors existed. That effectively meant that we wouldn't attempt to start at all if there were no monitors connected while starting up.

This was unintentional, so lets revert back the expected behavior.

In addition to this, the drm-mock static library from !2777 (merged) was cherry-picked and extended to also handle filtering what the kernel tells us. This made it possible to port the "headless start" test case (that didn't catch what this fixes) to using the VKMS infrastructure, thus actually testing more relevant bits and pieces.

Merge request reports