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events: Use the event target actor to determine window for event

Main commit:

We use get_window_for_event() to check whether an event happened on top
of a window or on top of shell UI to decide whether to bypass delivering
an event to Clutter. In case of crossing events though, we can't just
use the device actor to determine whether the forward the event to
Clutter or not: We do want to forward CLUTTER_LEAVE events which
happened on top of shell UI while the device actor is already a window

Since the event source actor got removed from the detail of
ClutterEvent, the context we're looking for (which actor did the pointer
leave) is now the target actor that the event gets emitted to. Since the
last commit, we also made event filters aware of this context by passing
the target actor to them, so use this actor now to determine whether
we're on top of a window or not.

Merge request reports