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[40] shaped-texture: Do not apply y-inverts to shape masks

Robert Mader requested to merge rmader/mutter:gnome-40-backport-1937 into gnome-40

This was introduced by accident in commit 1467b6b0

y-inverted textures in combination with shape masks appear to be only commonly used with EGLstreams. However, as we draw the shape mask ourselves, we don't want to apply the y-invert to it as testified by the left over cogl_pipeline_set_layer_matrix().

Note that we still allow to apply viemports and buffer transforms, as the Xwayland mode setting emulation may use it (in fact only the former, but it probably does not hurt to leave the later as well).

Closes #1792 (closed)

Part-of: !1937 (merged)

Merge request reports