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Introduce MetaContext

Jonas Ådahl requested to merge jadahl/mutter:wip/meta-context into master

MetaContext aims to provide a single entry point to a "Mutter context". It takes ownership of things like MetaBackend, MetaDisplay, MetaWaylandCompositor, and probably more in the future.

It also takes over the responsibility for creating, setting up, running and terminating a context.

A "test" context is also introduced, that tries to take care of some of the test case boiler plate and test related features.

A couple of things that probably needs to change before landing:

  • Explicit tear down. It currently relies on reference counting reaching zero; that's unreliable with GC:ed languages.
  • ...

Marked as WIP due to the above, but it also contains !1833 (merged), !1859 (merged) and !1863 (merged).

Edited by Jonas Ådahl

Merge request reports