Touch Inputs using Wayland aren't working for dragging items
This is an essential usability problem for devices that don't have a keyboard/mouse for input. Steam Deck, Aya Neo, and OneXPlayer are new handhelds systems that have come out/coming out that will need this bug resolved for a proper file management experience.
Provide at least the following information:
- Arch Linux Rolling Release (Pop OS 20.04-21.10) and more
- All recent versions of Mutter up to the latest available
- This happens on Wayland only, X11 is fine.
You are unable to Drag and Drop files in Nautilus and you are unable to hold to right click to open context menus with folders, you can however open this up on any non folder file. The drag and drop bug effects any file type.
Steps to reproduce
- Use the latest version Gnome under wayland
- Open "Files" and attempt to move files using touch
- Compare this to using X11 and notice how the drag and drop function works as expected.
I tested the nightly version of Nautilus and this occurs as well, it's very well possible that this bug is actually to do with Nautilus and not mutter, but I'm not experienced enough with this stuff to know how everything works in detail.