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  • Kai Willadsen's avatar
    Add script for generating web-embeddable help · 5aa13674
    Kai Willadsen authored
    Mallard's generated HTML help looks great on its own, but it's not
    really directly embeddable into another website without some
    modifications. Rather than write a new XSLT transformation (...) this
    commit adds a simple script that pulls out the requisite bits of HTML,
    and perform some CSS munging to get the rules to fit into Meld's
    existing web site without too much weirdness.
    In order to run, this script requires Python's BeautifulSoup 4 module,
    and a command-line executable copy of Sass.
    There's a reason I used Sass for this at the time, but now I can't for
    the life of me remember why.